Advice, Tips & Troubleshooting for Nocturnal wearers

In this section you will find tips, hints, guides and troubleshooting to help you with any issues you have with your NOCTURNAL™ night lenses. If you have an idea for advice or a guide that we don’t have that you would find useful, please ask – CLICK HERE to contact us.

If you are having any problems with your lenses, please go direct to your Optician or Eye Care Professional immediately.

CLICK HERE to view the instructions for your NOCTURNAL™ night lenses that came with your Starter Box.

  • Box contents
  • How to put your lenses in and take them out
  • How to recycle the box and contents
  • Troubleshooting + Tips & hints
  • Important notes you should read


OK, so you’ve hit the panic button. First up, there’s no harm in that AT ALL! Loads of people struggle.

I don’t think I’m ever going to get them in!?!

You will. Over the years children as young as 7 have managed. So you will too, and very soon. At some point it will just click. Stick at it and try to keep calm.

Hopefully this blog post might help a bit.

CLICK HERE if you’re desperate for help or you’re reaching for the panic button

“How to” video guides

GUIDE: How to put your contact lens in

GUIDE: How to remove your contact lens

VIDEO GUIDE: Different types of lens sucker

Because there are a number of different types of lens sucker (with a hole, without a hole) and so different ways of using the sucker to pick lenses up, remove lenses off them – we’ve put together a little video guide to help steer you right.

Our 2 top tips for suckers

  1. Learn how to get your lenses in and out without a sucker so you’re never stuck if you lose or forget your sucker
  2. Never pull your lens really hard vertically off the sucker (if it’s stuck) as it might break. Slide it off slowly to the side